DDK|DDK Connectors|NIPPON ELECTRONICS FF26 Series 0.2mm Pitch | 0.12mm Thick FPC Connector is an ultra low profile FPC connector with 0.2mm pitch and 0.66mm height.
该系列产品的电气性能一般规格为: | |
额定电流:0.2A/连接器 | 绝缘电阻:采用DC250V 50MΩ以上 |
额定电压:AC50V(r.m.s.) | 接触电阻:80mΩ以下 |
耐电压 :AC200V(r.m.s.)/1分钟 |
1, DDK | DDK Connectors | Japan Electronics FF26 series 0.2mm pitch | 0.12mm thick FPC with connector main product specification details:
特征: |
・DDK原装旋转椭圆凸轮锁紧机构;“后锁”系统确保可靠的连接。 |
・接触位置为上接触。 |
・背锁结构确保防止FPC意外向上拉动。 |
・连接器在锁杆打开的情况下交付。FPC插入操作节省时间。 |
・镍阻挡层防止焊料芯吸。 |
・无卤素通信 |
注意:请不要在未插入FPC的情况下关闭锁定杆。 |
2, Japan DDK | DDK connectors | Japan Electronics FF26 series 0.2mm pitch | 0.12mm thick FPC with connector main material number / type:
FF26-39A-R11A-3H | FF26-80A-R11B |
3, Japan DDK - DDK | Japan Electronics FF26 series 0.2mm pitch | 0.12mm thick FPC with connectors this product seller:
3A Electronic Network-agent sales [Japan DDK connectors-DDK | Japan Electronics FF26 series 0.2mm pitch | 0.12mm thick FPC with connectors] as well as the contents of the second item in the table list of all (material number / type) connector products; if you want to buy or know what we can provide connectors | harness | cable products If you want to purchase or know what connectors, harnesses, cables and solutions we can provide, please feel free to contact us through the following ways.
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