DDK|DDK Connectors|NIPPON ELECTRONICS DFJ Series 0.8mm Pitch Stacked Card Connectors is a: 0.8mm pitch is stacked connectors to connect small printed circuit boards.
该系列产品的电气性能一般规格为: | |
额定电压:AC100V(r.m.s.) | 使用温度范围:-55℃~ +85℃ |
额定电流:0.5A接点 | 使用温度范围:85% Rh 以下 但是,确保不要结露 |
耐电压 :AC350V(r.m.s.) 1分钟 | 保存温度范围:-55℃~ +85℃ |
绝缘电阻:用DC250V 500MΩ以上 | 保存湿度范围:85% Rh 以下 |
接触电阻:45mΩ以下 |
1, DDK | DDK Connectors | Japan Electronics DFJ Series 0.8mm Pitch Stacked Card Connectors main product specification details:
特征: |
・堆叠高度有9种不同高度(10、13、14、15、16、17、18、19和20mm)。 |
・印刷线路板之间尺寸是10mm和13 ~ 20mm的1mm间隔,从9种类型中可以适用选择。 |
・印刷基板的安装采用SMT型号,确保基板的稳固固定,特此配备固定用的配件。 |
・接点嵌合时是变形少伸臂型。 |
・当连接器在插入时使之有触击感,原始设计有简易锁定门卡。 |
2, Japan DDK | DDK connectors | Japan Electronics DFJ series 0.8mm pitch stacked card connectors main material number / type:
DFJ-PC020-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0100-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC040-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC120-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC060-S831114D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC030-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0120-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC060-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC020-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC080-S831114D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC040-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC020-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC080-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC030-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC100-S831114D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC060-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC030-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0100-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC040-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC120-S831114D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC080-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC040-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0120-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC060-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC020-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC0100-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC060-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC020-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC080-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC030-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC0120-S931080D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC080-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC030-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC100-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC040-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC020-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0100-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC040-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC120-S831104D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC060-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC030-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC0120-S931120D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC060-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC020-S831114D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC080-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC040-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC020-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC080-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC030-S831114D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC100-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC060-S931110D(M)-FA | DFJ-PC030-S931130D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC100-S831074D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC040-S831114D(M)-FA | DFJ-RC120-S831124D(M)-FA |
DFJ-PC080-S931110D(M)-FA |
3, Japan DDK - DDK | Japan Electronics DFJ series 0.8mm pitch stacked card connectors This product seller:
3A Electronic Network-agent sales [Japan DDK connectors-DDK | Japan Electronics DFJ series 0.8mm pitch stacked card connectors] as well as the contents of the second item in the table list of all (material number / type) connector products; if you want to buy or understand what we can provide connectors | wiring harness | wire and cable product solutions, welcome to through the following ways If you want to purchase or know what connectors, harnesses or cables we can provide, please contact us through the following ways.
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